Cad/cam For Mac

2020. 4. 10. 14:36카테고리 없음

  1. Cad Cam For Mach3
  2. Cad Program For Mac
  3. Free Cad Cam Software Download
Cad cam for mac

Cad Cam For Mach3

I'm also a Mac user and brand new to the CNC thing; I'm just getting my feet wet. I'm moving away from Easel and experimenting with a 3D modeler called. At the moment I'm experimenting with some sign making, which is pretty straight forward: import an SVG image onto a plane, then use the subdivision + displacement tool to make those crisp looking text reliefs. Then export the model for Meshcam, generate tool paths, and save the gcode. Cheetah 3D is $99, but I already own it. I've been trying to make text relief signs with Fusion 360, but having a really hard go of it.

Cad Program For Mac


Free Cad Cam Software Download

It's very well laid out software with lots of hints, so this could just be me, but the tutorials I've found so far really have the user jumping through hoops for simple things like making 3D text. I'm using the evaluation copy of Rhino right now, and it's a gorgeous editor.

But $695 is a bit tough for me to shell out this early in the game. I'm still too early into it to really have a good opinion, but it seems to be a very popular recommendation on these forums and elsewhere. If and when I reach the point of plinking down some cash, and I'm not happy with the results I'm getting, I could very well end up getting something like V Carve or Art Cam and running that in Parallels.

I truly hate working inside of Windows, but all of the best CNC software seems to be made for it. I'll fight it for as long as I can. Actually, a Mac is more like an SUV - anyone can drive it, and it gets folks where they're going in comfort - I can see a PC as a motorcycle, uncomfortable for long distances, not much hauling capacity, &c.

FWIW, I've been using both since a 128K Mac in 1984 (bought one of everything in the store) and Windows /286 (which came on a Zenith PC we had at work). Use both, don't much like either. Apple's hardware choices are too limited, Microsoft's software is too limited and inconsistent. Highwater mark of my PC usage was having a NeXT Cube (which never crashed, save for when hardware failed (I do not miss SCSI and rotating hard drives)) and an NCR-3125 running PenPoint (for a wonderfully consistent object-oriented interface).