Runway Pink Dupe For Mac

2020. 3. 25. 19:52카테고리 없음

And just in case you’re wonderingyes, I was that person at the party who was standing uncomfortably in the corner and nursing the same bottle of Zima the entire evening. #datingmyself All of the $16 lipsticks in the new 22-piece MAC The Matte Lip collection are matte (obvs), with about half of them having MAC’s Matte finish, and the other half their Retro Matte finish, but they aren’t all new. A handful of them are currently available in the permanent line and are being re-promoted here with the launch (like Ruby Woo, All Fired Up, Flat Out Fabulous, Velvet Teddy, Kinda Sexy, Please Me, Heroine and Pink Pigeon). But most of the 22 shades are new, which is very exciting! Also, technically, this isn’t a MAC collection in the traditional limited edition sense, as all of the colors are either in the permanent line now, or being added to it.

Runway Pink Dupe For Mac Petting

You may still see some familiar names among the batch of new colors as well, though, like Whirl and Stone. Both are currently in MAC’s Lip Pencil line, so if you’re a fan of either one, voila! Now there are matching matte lipstick shades. The MAC Mattes vs.

The Retro Mattes Both of the matte finishes represented in the collection are flat, meaning that they shine very little, or not at all, on the lips, but the finishes aren’t the same. The Retro Mattes are more intensely matte than their regular Matte counterparts — extremely flat — and they’re almost like wearing a matte lip pencil. I think the Retro Mattes also feels drier and thinner than the regular Mattes do, which feel a little “wet” and dense/thick to me.

— and when I wear the Retro Mattes, I feel like my vertical lip lines are front and center, more so than when I wear the regular Mattes. As for the colors themselves, what if you refuse to embrace your inner ’90s brown lipstick-loving babe? Does that mean you absolutely won’t like this collection? No, not necessarily You don’t have to look like you lived and loved in the era that gave birth to floral spaghetti-strap dresses and baby tees to find something to like in MAC The Matte Lip. 🙂 In addition to the old-school shades, the release also includes some very fashion-forward colors, like deep royal blue Matte Royal, as well as some sweet pinks like Please Me, and several bold, brash brights like purple Heroine and bluish red Ruby Woo.


Here are pics and swatches of 14 of the 22 shades Babe, I’m matte about you! From the left: Dangerous, Runway Hit, Steady Going, Matte Royal, Instigator, Antique Velvet and Stone Studded Kiss, Persistence, Whirl, Naturally Transformed, Men Love Mystery, D for Danger and Pink Pigeon It’s all about dat prep life Yeahboth of these matte finishes can be a little challenging to wear because they like to draw attention to every little flake, crack, vertical lip line and imperfection. At least that’s the case for me and my textured (code word for “flaky”) lips, so I think it definitely helps to lay the groundwork the night before by exfoliating, and then loading up on lip balm before bed. Then, first thing in the morning after you wash your face, slather even more lip balm on your lipsand drink 10 gallons of water. OK, maybe not 10 gallons. 🙂 That would be too much.

But do drink some extra water. I know it sounds crazy, but I swear that it helps cut down on the flakes. When I do both of these things either regularly or at least the night before, these mattes are easier to pull off, and my lips look and feel smoother.

Drink plenty of water, go overboard with balm, and when you wear these mattes, you’ll be rewarded with gorgeous lips and a killer wear time, because since these aren’t as creamy as other finishes, they last. Seriously, I can eat meals — MEALS, plural — with these mattes on my lips, and they will not budge. I’m talking six or seven hours, easily. MAC The Matte Lip swatches from the left: Dangerous, Runway Hit, Steady Going, Matte Royal, Instigator, Antique Velvet and Stone MAC The Matte Lip swatches from the left: Studded Kiss, Persistence, Whirl, Naturally Transformed, Men Love Mystery, D for Danger and Pink Pigeon I’d say go for one of the regular Mattes if you want something more comfortable and easier to wear. Look for these on the. Happy.almost.

birthday. I actually thought that was your cake before reading the caption – that thing is awesome! Ah, 40, schmorty – you look fantabulous. 40 is like the new 20 9. Seriously, though. 40 is great – you still look amazing, you’re still vibrant and active and energetic and you have all that life experience.

Keep rocking it, my friend. 🙂 Oh, and you should definitely be rocking that Matte Royal because I’d love to see how it actually looks on someone.

My Dad and a good friend of mine are both Gemenis (May b’days) but I’m a Pisces/Aries cusp, with a bit more Aries personality, I think. I finally bought Ruby Woo a month or 2 ago & took it for a spin a couple days last week. I totally thought my lips would hate it because they’re super dry but proper exfoliation & balm is the trick. And I actually love it & got compliments on it. Now that I think about it, I got that lippie as a B2M because I figured if I didn’t like it, at least it was free:).

Also, I’m really digging Matte Royal since it’s kinda close to Gunner, which I missed out on & can’t find at my local CCO. Excited to play with it when this line gets released. Oh, I’m a Capricorn, Dec 23rd, almost Christmas baby 🙂. I love the Browns, whirl, stone, and the blue! Although mattes are beginning to not look so good on me, I will still buy a few.

I’m so glad that they’re perm, tho. As for 40, for the most part it was a good age for me. The only bad thing that I remember was my metabolism seemed to screech to a halt.

I went up 2 pant sizes in 1 year and could never lose it. Nothing else changed in my looks, though.

That happened at 50, so enjoy the next 10 years! Be good to your body, though, don’t sit at the computer for too long! I had back problems in my early 40’s, probably from sitting at a computer all day. Do whatever you want/feel like for your bday, enjoying it is all that counts. Remember to kiss Tabs.


I find the Retro Mattes to be so drying as well and I have very dry lips in the first instance. Although funnily enough my two favourite MAC lipsticks are actually Ruby Woo and Flat Out Fabulpus so that doesn’t help matters!

If you’re ever looking for a brown-ish red from the Satin collection then Twig is a must. I think Kylie Jenner has a lot to answer for with the 90s matte trend. I’ve recently done a blog post on trying to achieve this look with cheaper alternatives.

Love your posts!